In Staten Island, Mobilization for Justice attorneys provided on-the-ground legal assistance in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.
When disasters like Hurricane Sandy hit, they leave significant unmet legal needs in their wake. Although some of these needs arise immediately after the disaster, others arise during the following months and years. Mobilization for Justice worked to address the legal needs of low-income New Yorkers devastated by Hurricane Sandy.
Immediately after Hurricane Sandy, we produced a series of user-friendly fact sheets in English, Spanish, and Chinese explaining how to get replacement food stamps, FEMA assistance, emergency Social Security payments, and disaster unemployment assistance. Our attorneys reached out to people with disabilities who were evacuated to emergency shelters, providing assistance on a host of issues, including access to necessary medication and medical services.
Our attorneys regularly staffed clinics in hard-hit areas, including Far Rockaway, Coney Island, the Lower East Side of Manhattan, and Staten Island. During these clinics, our staff provided information or assistance regarding: FEMA applications, appeals, and recoupments; disaster unemployment compensation; repairs and rent abatements in rental housing; insurance disputes, mortgage payment relief, and foreclosure prevention for low-income homeowners; and other emergency matters. Our attorneys also reached out to hundreds of people with disabilities by conducting “know your rights” trainings at adult homes and nursing homes who were displaced by Hurricane Sandy.
Mobilization for Justice is ready to quickly mobilize in response to future disasters.