
Mobilization for Justice believes

Housing Is a Human Right,

and focuses its work to ensure that tenants
maintain their housing, improve poor
living conditions, and fight tenant harassment.

Housing – Anti-Eviction

MFJ offers advice, counsel and representation to low-income tenants in Brooklyn, the Bronx and Manhattan to prevent evictions and to protect tenants’ rights in obtaining repairs to make apartments and buildings habitable. We also provide trainings on tenants’ rights and partner with neighborhood-based organizations that assist and organize tenants.

Housing – Fair Housing

MFJ helps Bronx residents with HIV sue their landlord for repairs, apply for emergency rent grants, negotiate transfers from congregate to individual shelter placements, negotiate with HASA to rebudget rent payments, contest HASA terminations, and fight eviction cases.

Housing – Manhattan Seniors

MFJ helps Manhattan seniors age in place in their own homes by preventing evictions, securing benefits and resolving related legal problems.

Housing – SRO Residents

MFJ defends the rights of Single Room Occupancy tenants facing eviction and confronting illegal conversions of their buildings.

Housing – Three-Quarter House Tenants

MFJ works to improve the conditions of people living in three-quarter houses (also known as illegal boarding houses) and protect their rights as tenants through individual and class action litigation. Through organizing and advocacy we also work to support people living in these unhealthy and exploitative houses, and to change the laws affecting three-quarter houses.

Foreclosure Prevention

MFJ provides legal assistance to New York City homeowners facing foreclosure or who are victims of foreclosure rescue scams or abusive loan servicing practices. The project focuses on helping homeowners in hard-hit areas of Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island.

Mental Health Consumers

MFJ assists people with mental illness living in the community by providing advice, counsel and representation on housing, public benefits, disability rights, consumer, and other matters, to ensure that mental health consumers do not end up homeless or hospitalized.
