Mobilization for Justice will help you access important services and benefits that protect you and your family.
We can answer your questions and help you understand your rights. If we determine that you need an attorney and that we can take your case, we will provide you with high-quality legal assistance.
Click here to read MFJ, LSSA Agreement and Final Package
Click here for our telephone intake hours. Lines are open and you can find information on all our programs.
Click here for Fact Sheets on tenants’ rights and other issues.
Click here for our video – A Voice for Justice for all of New York City
MOBILIZATION FOR JUSTICE, formerly MFY Legal Services, offers free legal assistance to low-income New Yorkers throughout New York City to resolve legal problems in the areas of housing; foreclosure; civil, disability and aging rights; bankruptcy, tax, consumer, employment, government benefits, immigration, and kinship care. Through these services we prevent homelessness, help seniors and people with disabilities live independently, stabilize families, maintain and increase income, and address racial disparities.
February, Black History Month and celebration, begins today. This month-long observance in the US and Canada is a chance to honor Black achievement and provide a reminder of where and how systemic racism persists, and to give visibility to the people and organizations challenging that racism. Black History Month also provides a dedicated time to …
If you believe that all New Yorkers—regardless of income—deserve equal access to justice, then please make a generous, tax-deductible contribution to Mobilization for Justice.
We offer many opportunities for attorneys, law school graduates, and law students to contribute to helping low-income New Yorkers gain access to justice.