MFJ Statement on Casey Goodson Jr.’s Murder

We are appalled by the unjust and senseless murder of Casey Goodson Jr. by a police officer in Columbus, Ohio. As a Black man in America, Casey wasn’t even safe from police brutality in his own home, and his story is tragically similar to the countless known and unknown stories of Black people who have been the victims of police violence throughout this nation’s history. We stand with Casey’s family, loved ones, community, and all those protesting and mourning this egregious act.

After almost a year of protests and outcries across the country, it is clear that we have so much more work to do, as police continue to commit violence against the communities they are sworn to protect and serve. We are calling for the systemic change necessary to dismantle a culture of violence, abuse and negligence towards Black and Brown people, and to reallocate funds to social services that will better provide for the needs of the community.

It is time for this despicable violence against Black and Brown communities to end. Full stop. #BlackLivesMatter
