Workplace Justice

Mobilization for Justice serves low-wage and immigrant workers, and people re-entering the workforce following criminal convictions.

Mobilization for Justice provides legal representation to hundreds of low-wage and immigrant workers who would be unable to access justice without our help. In collaboration with elected officials, workers’ centers and community-based organizations citywide, the Project advocates for workers’ rights, focusing especially on the problems faced by low-wage and immigrant workers and people with criminal records re-entering the labor market.

Our Workplace Justice unit:

  • Operates a city-wide hotline that helps hundreds of callers understand their legal rights at work.
  • Includes a Re-entry to the Workplace, which assists people with past criminal records who face legal barriers in attempting to re-enter the workforce. The Reentry Project focuses particularly on occupational licenses and government employment.
  • Provides legal help to low-wage and immigrant workers.
  • Prioritizes cases for immigrants (regardless of immigration status) who have experienced wage theft, job discrimination, or exploitation at work.

CALL OUR INTAKE LINE FOR HELP:  212-417-3838, TUESDAY, 2 pm – 5 pm
