MFJ in the News

MFY Warns Proposed Court Forms May Harm Debt Litigants

MFY submitted comments strongly opposing the Office of Court Administration’s (OCA) proposal to create statewide forms for debt collectors to use when seeking default judgments in consumer credit actions. Although MFY recognizes OCA’s initiative in addressing the meager amount of proof required to obtain default judgments in these cases, the proposed forms actually serve to …

MFY Files Suit Against Foreclosure Scammer

MFY filed a groundbreaking lawsuit on behalf of a Queens homeowner who paid thousands of dollars in fees to a company that promised a loan modification and legal services but provided nothing. The New York Post describes the suit, the first of its kind filed in the city under the distressed property consultant law.

Essex St. Market Vendor Sues City Charging Discrimination

MFY filed suit in state Supreme Court on Thursday, November 21, 2013, on behalf of Carmen Salvador, a vendor at the city-administered Essex Street Market on the Lower East Side, charging that the city’s refusal to renew the permit for her small clothing business violated the Americans with Disabilities Act and was arbitrary and capricious.

MFY Testimony: Kinship Caregivers Face Enormous Legal Challenges

Barbara Graves-Poller, Supervising Attorney of MFY Legal Services’ Kinship Caregiver Law Project, testified before a joint hearing of the New York City Council’s General Welfare and Aging committees on the legal challenges facing grandparents and others who care for related children outside of the foster care system.

Court Refuses to Dismiss Immigrant Home Care Workers’ Wage Claims

In March 2013 former employees of BNV Home Care Agency filed a lawsuit alleging that the agency stole hundreds of thousands of dollars from them and systematically violated New York State labor laws. In October 2013 the seven named plaintiffs, who are represented by MFY Legal Services and Abbey Spanier LLP, defeated a motion to …

MFY Helps Expose the Abuses in Three-Quarter Houses

Three-Quarter Houses: The View from the Inside, a report released October 17, 2013 by the Prisoner Reentry Institute (PRI) at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, reveals rampant building violations, dangerous overcrowding, and unlawful evictions in an unregulated industry that preys on people who have no other housing options. MFY Attorneys Tanya Kessler and Matthew …

Harassed, Terrorized and Swindled, A Queens Man Sues Used Car Dealer

MFY Legal Services is representing a Queens man who filed suit on October 4 in federal court, charging the New York Motor Group tricked and coerced him into signing documents he was not permitted to first read, which doubled the agreed-upon purchase price. When the buyer and others who had been similarly swindled carried out …
