News & Press

MFJ to NYS Legislature: Tie Adult Home Subsidies to Quality Improvements

Legislation introduced in the New York State Legislature would increase subsidies for adult homes that care for people with disabilities and the elderly.  At a recent hearing in Albany, advocates urged lawmakers to tie any increase in subsidies to improvements in the quality of care as well as an increase in residents’ personal needs allowances.  …

MFJ Urges City Council to Adopt Law Clearly Defining Tenant Harassment

Mobilization for Justice Staff Attorney Shi Shi Wang testified before the New York City Council’s Committee on Housing and Buildings today, supporting Intro. 1721-2017, which will amend the current definition of tenant harassment by landlords to include misrepresenting the condition of a dwelling unit; knowingly misrepresenting work to be performed in a permit application that …

MFJ Report: Nursing Home Residents Are Often Illegally Confined

A report released today by Mobilization for Justice details how nursing homes’ restrictive day pass policies violate residents’ rights to community integration. It describes the barriers nursing home residents face when they attempt to leave the home to visit family or friends, go to religious services, shop, or simply sit outside in the fresh air. …

Mobilization for Justice Supports Right to Know Act

Mobilization for Justice has endorsed the Right to Know Act, a legislative package before the New York City Council to protect the civil and human rights of New Yorkers in everyday encounters with the New York City Police Department (NYPD) by improving transparency and accountability. More than 200 organizations have endorsed two bills (Int. 182B …

MFJ Urges Congress to Protect Consumers in Wake of Equifax Data Breach

Mobilization for Justice joined consumer advocates across the country in urging Congress to take immediate action to repair the Equifax breach of personal data of 143 million consumers. Advocates demand that Congress ban forced arbitration clauses that prevent consumers from bringing class action lawsuits, enact credit freeze legislation to protect consumers from identity theft, reform …

Mobilization for Justice Speaks Out on Tenant Harassment

MFY Supervising Attorney Justin LaMort speaks out on the growing problem of landlord harassment of tenants by construction in this article in Fox Business.  Advocacy by tenant groups and legal services providers spurred the City Council to pass new laws protecting tenants from harassment and strengthening enforcement, and New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman …

Unaccompanied Immigrant Youth: Excluded from Food Security

MFJ Staff Attorney Ernie Collette exposes the challenges faced by unaccompanied immigrant youth in securing government assistance for food benefits in this article in the Georgetown Immigration Law Journal. While many of the thousands of young people arriving in the New York area seek and qualify for immigration relief through asylum, protection as a victim …

MFJ Blasts Forced Arbitration Clauses in Daily News Op-Ed

MFY Staff Attorney Ali Naini’s Op-Ed in today’s New York Daily News exposes the dangers consumers face when credit services, banks and other financial institutions include in their products forced arbitration clauses that prohibit consumers from participating in class action lawsuits to address egregious behavior, such as the recent hacking of Equifax’s database of consumers’ …

Abandoned Tenants Rally to Demand Housing Help

The Queens Times Ledger reported on a rally on Aug. 31 by three-quarter house tenants to fight the threat of homelessness after the NYS Attorney General charged directors of Interline with stealing over $2.3 million in a Medicaid kickback scheme. Tenants, whose housing is now in limbo, rallied to ask the City to provide Special …
