MFJ in the News

Town Hall on Wage Theft on Oct. 22

MFY, with Assembly Member Linda Rosenthal  and the Coalition for a Real Minimum Wage Increase, will host a Town Hall at Cardozo Law School, 55 5th Avenue (between 12th and 13th Streets) on October 22 at 6 pm.   Assembly Member Rosenthal, lawyers, advocates, and workers will speak out about the problem of wage theft, what …

MFY Comments on Proposed State Debt Collection Rules

In October 2013, MFY submitted comments regarding debt collection rules proposed by the NYS Department of Financial Services.  Overall, MFY supports the implementation of rules and believes they will help alleviate some of the debt collection problems faced by our clients, but raises concerns about the length and content of the rules and offers suggestions …

Judge Rules that Talking to Yourself Is Not a Nuisance

After a hearing in Manhattan Housing Court conducted by MFY attorney Jason Blumberg  on behalf of an elderly tenant with disabilities, a  Judge held that “Not every annoyance is a nuisance…” and denied the landlord’s petition to evict the tenant.  The tenant, who has lived in the apartment for 43 years, was accused of talking …

MFY Announces Partial Settlement of Three-Quarter House Lawsuit

MFY Legal Services, Inc. wishes to notify former residents of a three-quarter house located at 24 Suydam Street in Brooklyn that they may be entitled to funds as part of the partial settlement of a class action lawsuit. In order to be eligible for a payment from the settlement fund, former residents must submit a …

MFY Supports Greenpoint Tenants’ Demand for Livable Conditions

Tenants of the Greenpoint Hotel in Brooklyn, a large single room occupancy (SRO) hotel, demonstrated outside housing court, demanding that the building’s landlord be fined and arrested. MFY was inside, filing the tenants’ motion for contempt for ignoring a court order to make repairs. More here.

MFY’s Advocacy Leads to New Law Ending the Foreclosure “Shadow Docket”

MFY’s vigorous advocacy to end the foreclosure “shadow docket” led to a new law signed today by Governor Cuomo to end this abusive practice.  MFY’s 2011 report, Justice Deceived, showed how homeowners were prevented from getting loan modifications because lenders’ attorneys failed to file documents to move their cases to the settlement part. Read more.

Adult Home Residents Reach Settlement in Landmark Case

Adult home residents, together with the U.S. Department of Justice, reached a settlement that will enable residents of 23 large adult homes to live in supported housing in the community.   The settlement comes after decades of advocacy by MFY Legal Services and litigation in which the residents were represented by MFY, Disability Rights New York, the …
