News & Press

MFJ Helps Tenants in Neglected Bushwick Building Sue Landlord After Years of Neglect

Tenants of 299 Troutman Street in Bushwick, Brooklyn are suing their landlord after many years of enduring severe neglect in their building, including extensive fire damage and dozens of uncorrected housing violations. The tenants are asking the Housing Court to appoint a 7-A administrator to manage their building, recognize their rent stabilized rights, and make …

MFJ Urges Albany to Rein In Abusive Student Loan Servicers

In testimony before the New York State Assembly committees on banking and consumer affairs and in an article in the Times Union, MFJ Staff Attorney Evan Denerstein makes the case for greater regulation of student loan servicers. The testimony discusses studies that show that loan servicers fail to tell borrowers about their options for relief, …

MFJ Speaks Out on NYCHA Development & Privatization

In testimony before the New York City Council’s Committee on Public Housing, Mobilization for Justice Supervising Attorney Justin LaMort urges lawmakers to look carefully at the impact of the Rental Assistance Demonstration program on tenants, which provides federal funding to convert public housing properties into Section 8 project-based housing. While data is sketchy, preliminary research …

Foreclosure Crisis Is Not Over

On the tenth anniversary of the financial crisis,  Bloomberg News opinion writer Joe Nocera tours the Queens neighborhoods still devastated by the foreclosure crisis with MFJ’s Supervising Attorney Elizabeth Lynch.  He finds that while some homeowners have saved their homes with legal help, others face continual roadblocks from lenders who improperly deny them loan modifications …

MFJ Joins Advocates in Demanding Increased Funding for School Accessibility

Mobilization for Justice, as part of the ARISE Coalition, joined advocates throughout New York City to ask that the Mayor and City Council increase funding for school accessibility by including a major investment in the FY 2020-24 School Construction Authority Five-Year Capital Plan to make at least one-third of schools accessible to students, parents, and …

NYCHA Policies Place Tenants’ Health at Risk

MFJ Supervising Attorney Justin LaMort exposes how public housing tenants’ health is put at risk by government policies and practices and how public housing tenants receive unequal treatment compared to private housing tenants in this article in ABA Journal of Affordable Housing. He reviews the origins of public housing in New York City and the …

Advocates Call on NYS to End Bail Bond Industry after NYC Adopts Consumer Protections

People impacted by predatory commercial bail practices, community groups & elected officials support City Council consumer protection bills and call on New York State to eliminate the industry    The NYC Council passed two bills on July 18, 2018 that will provide consumer protections to vulnerable New Yorkers trying to pay money to get their …

MFJ’s Leah Goodridge Defends Call for Rent Freeze in City Limits Op Ed

In an Op Ed in City Limits on June 28, 2018, Mobilization for Justice Supervising Attorney Leah Goodridge, one of two tenant representatives on New York City’s Rent Guidelines Board, defended her call for a rent freeze and her vote against new rent increases. She showed that while New York rent regulated tenants enjoyed two …
