News & Press

Attorneys Should Embrace Debt Collector Rules

In a letter to the New York Law Journal published on January 8, 2013, MFY staff attorney Ariana Lindermayer responds to a recent article that heralded a federal court decision (Berman v. New York City) that struck down a NewYork City law requiring all debt collectors, including debt collection attorneys, to be licensed. Ms. Lindermayer …

MFY Article: Pillsbury Winthrop and MFY Hold Legal Clinics to Assist Aged and Disabled New Yorkers in Obtaining Access-a-Ride Services

The latest edition of New York City Voices features the pro bono project that MFY Legal Services has launched with Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP to help seniors and people with disabilities obtain and maintain eligibility for Access-A-Ride Services (AAR).  AAR is an accessible transportation system operated by the Metropolitan Transit Authority for people who …

WWRL Interviews MFY on Nursing Home Evacuees

WWRL, a progressive New York City radio station, interviewed MFY’s Disability and Aging Rights Project Senior Staff Attorney Shelly Weizman on “The Mark Riley Morning Show,” on December 27, 2012, about nursing home residents who have been displaced due to Hurricane Sandy. Click here to listen to the interview.

MFY and Pro Bono Net Launch New Consumer Web Site

Tuesday, December 11, 2012–MFY’s Consumer Rights Project, in conjunction with Pro Bono Net, launched The NYC Consumer Debt Defense Project website today at The website serves as a resource for pro bono, private, and legal services attorneys to share data, forms, news and information about trends and developments in the area of consumer debt. …

Banks Refuse to Help Homeowners Devastated by Hurricane Sandy

Attorneys from MFY Legal Services and South Brooklyn Legal Services who are assisting Hurricane Sandy victims found that many banks are refusing to offer their customers any kind of meaningful mortgage relief, severely hampering their ability to rebuild their homes and stabilize their lives. The Huffington Post explores the issue.

MFY Staffs Free Clinic for Hurricane Victims in Chinatown

MFY Legal Services, in collaboration with Community Board No. 3, will offer legal assistance next Tuesday, November 27  to hurricane victims who need help with FEMA benefits, replacement food stamps, rent-related issues, emergency social security payments, and disaster unemployment assistance. Click here for information in English, Spanish, and Chinese.

MFY Offers Free Legal Clinics for Hurricane Victims

From 10a.m. to 1p.m. this week, MFY Legal Services will offer legal assistance to hurricane victims who need help to secure FEMA benefits, replacement food stamps, emergency social security payments, and disaster unemployment assistance. Click here for further information in English, Spanish, and Chinese.

MFY Staffs Free Legal Clinic for Hurricane Victims in Chinatown

MFY Legal Services, in collaboration with City Councilmember Margaret Chin and other elected officials who represent the lower Manhattan community, will offer legal assistance to hurricane victims who need help to secure FEMA benefits, replacement food stamps, emergency social security payments, and disaster unemployment assistance. Click here for information in English, Spanish and Chinese.
