News & Press

Mobilization for Justice Statement on the police shooting of Jacob Blake

This brutality must stop! We condemn the racist, brutal attack on Jacob Blake, who was shot in the back at least seven times by police officers – in front of his children –  in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Millions of people around the world have taken to the streets to, once again, emphasize that Black Lives Matter! …

MFJ Statement on the Passing of Rep. John Lewis and Rev. C. T. Vivian

The fight for equality and racial justice has lost two great titans, Rep. John Lewis and Rev. C.T. Vivian. Both worked alongside Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. during the 1960s, risking their lives to ensure freedom for millions of Americans. Throughout their lives and careers, Lewis and Vivian continued to serve as activists, advocates, educators and allies for social progress. Lewis’ voice from the podium and Vivian’s from the pulpit always championed equality, justice, and freedom.

Mobilization for Justice Statement on Elijah McClain’s murder

Yet another Black life taken without punishment or consequences. In August 2019, police officers in Aurora, Colorado, confronted 23-year-old African American Elijah McClain as he walked home from a convenience store. In the 15 minutes that followed, the officers tackled McClain to the ground, and put him in a “carotid” chokehold, completely cutting off blood …

Mobilization for Justice Statement on Rayshard Brooks’ murder

When will it stop? Rayshard Brooks, an American 27-year-old Black man, was shot and killed by an Atlanta Police Department officer on the evening of June 12, 2020. Mr. Brooks had fallen asleep in his vehicle at a Wendy’s drive-through. Despite the fact that tens of millions of people around the world have been marching …

MFJ Executive Director Jeanette Zelhof takes a firm stand against reopening Housing Courts in New York City

“This will create a situation where those most at risk of infection must decide between their health or their home,” says Jeanette Zelhof, the executive director of Mobilization for Justice, which backed the letter. “No New Yorker should have to risk their life seeking justice.” Read the full article here:

Mobilization for Justice Statement on George Floyd’s murder

Mobilization for Justice strongly condemns the unjust and senseless murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer. We stand with Mr. Floyd’s family, loved ones, the Black community, and all those mourning and protesting this egregious act of police brutality. Instances of police violence against the Black community caught on film have become much …

MFJ Helps Tenants in Neglected Bushwick Building Sue Landlord After Years of Neglect

Tenants of 299 Troutman Street in Bushwick, Brooklyn are suing their landlord after many years of enduring severe neglect in their building, including extensive fire damage and dozens of uncorrected housing violations. The tenants are asking the Housing Court to appoint a 7-A administrator to manage their building, recognize their rent stabilized rights, and make …

MFJ Urges Albany to Rein In Abusive Student Loan Servicers

In testimony before the New York State Assembly committees on banking and consumer affairs and in an article in the Times Union, MFJ Staff Attorney Evan Denerstein makes the case for greater regulation of student loan servicers. The testimony discusses studies that show that loan servicers fail to tell borrowers about their options for relief, …

MFJ Speaks Out on NYCHA Development & Privatization

In testimony before the New York City Council’s Committee on Public Housing, Mobilization for Justice Supervising Attorney Justin LaMort urges lawmakers to look carefully at the impact of the Rental Assistance Demonstration program on tenants, which provides federal funding to convert public housing properties into Section 8 project-based housing. While data is sketchy, preliminary research …
